
Impact Crusher Operation and Maintenance Guide: From Precautions to Particle Size Adjustment

 The impact crusher is a machine that uses impact energy to crush materials. Its working principle is mainly to drive the movement of the flat hammer through the rotation of the rotor, so that the materials are subject to impact, collision, friction and other forces in the crushing cavity, thereby achieving crushing. This article will introduce the operating precautions and particle size adjustment of the impact crusher for your reference.

Precautions for operating the impact crusher:

1. When in the operation of the impact crusher, the material feeding must be uniform and cannot segregate. Otherwise, problems such as reduced capacity, excessive mechanical granularity, frequent spring movements, and increased power consumption will occur.

2. Lubricating grease should be injected regularly and should not be too dirty. Too dirty will accelerate the wear of bearings and even cause the bearings to lock up.

3. During the no-load running test, the machine is required to run smoothly without abnormal vibration or noise.

4. The feeding material should not be too sticky, and the fine particles should not be too many or too large, otherwise it will cause a blocking run. The reduction ratio distribution in the production line must be correct so that the impact crusher can maximize its effectiveness.

5. Feeding can only be done after the impact crusher is running normally, and the feeding should be uniform; Feeding must be stopped before shutting down; Stop the motor after the material is crushed during shutdown.

6. According to the specific conditions of the site, protective equipment should be installed on the V-belt before operation. Repairs and cleaning are not allowed while the impact crusher is in operation, and it is strictly prohibited to open various small doors. The machine should rotate in a fixed direction and should not rotate in the opposite direction.

7. When the impact crusher is running, if any abnormality is found, it should be stopped immediately for inspection and troubleshooting. The work site must not be stacked with debris and must have adequate light and lighting equipment.

8. When checking the running direction of the rotor, you can observe the running direction of the pulley. Normally, the pulley runs in a clockwise direction; If the impact crusher is installed on the other side, the running direction of the pulley is counterclockwise. If not, it should be adjusted the motor wiring.

9. Check whether the bearing seat seal is in good condition frequently, and the grease in the bearing seat should be refilled every 3-5 days.

10. When checking whether the fasteners are loose, you should focus on checking the pressure plate screws on both sides of the rotor that hold down the flat hammer to prevent the flat hammer from loosening and exposing the rotor body at both ends of the plate hammer, colliding with the machine body and damaging the machine parts.

11. In order to ensure the safety of operators and equipment, repair, adjustment and cleaning are prohibited while the machine is in operation, and it is prohibited to open various small doors. When the particle size of the crushed product is too large, the machine should be stopped to check the wear of the flat hammer to prevent the rotor from being worn. When the flat hammer needs to be adjusted 180° for reuse due to wear, the weight of each flat hammer should be equal and balanced to prevent vibration after the machine is started.

12. After each use, promptly clean the residual materials in the crushing cavity, especially fine particles and dust, to ensure that there is no blockage or adhesion inside the equipment. Lubricate the rotating and sliding contact surfaces regularly to prevent wear. In addition, regular inspections are carried out on key parts and any abnormalities are dealt with in a timely manner.

13. Keep detailed records of equipment operating conditions, maintenance history, etc., including operating time, temperature, vibration conditions, lubricating oil replacement intervals, etc., to provide reference for subsequent repairs and maintenance. If there is a fault or abnormal situation, report it and record it in time to facilitate maintenance and troubleshooting by professionals. At the same time, maintain good communication with maintenance personnel to understand the current status and potential problem points of the equipment.

Impact crusher particle size adjustment method:

1. Adjust the rotation speed of the rotor: By adjusting the rotation speed of the motor or the ratio of the transmission pulley, the rotation speed of the rotor can be changed. A higher speed can increase the number of impacts of the material in the crushing cavity and improve the crushing efficiency, but it will also shorten the residence time of the material in the crushing cavity, which may lead to larger particle size. This method can be implemented by replacing pulleys and frequency converters, but with the relatively high cost. In actual operation, comprehensive considerations need to be made based on actual needs, and the appropriate particle size can be obtained by adjusting the rotation speed of the rotor.

2.Change the cavity type and quantity: Impact crushers are usually divided into two-cavity and three-cavity series. Changing the cavity type and quantity can change the movement trajectory and degree of crushing of materials in the crushing cavity. Different cavity types will have different guiding effects on the movement of materials in the crushing cavity. The more cavity types, the more impacts and collisions the material will receive during the crushing process, which will help improve the crushing effect. However, too many impact racks may also cause materials to stay in the crushing cavity for too long, increasing equipment wear and energy consumption. Through reasonable design and adjustment, the crushing effect and efficiency of the impact crusher can be improved.

3. Adjust the clearance between the impact plate and the flat hammer: The size of the clearance between the impact plate and the flat hammer determines the impact force and number of collisions the material receives in the crushing cavity. Reducing the clearance will subject the material to greater impact, helping to crush harder materials, but it will also increase wear and vibration. Therefore, the clearance size needs to be reasonably adjusted according to the properties and particle size requirements of the material. Specific adjustment methods may vary depending on the device model and should be performed under the device manufacturer's instructions.

In summary, in actual operation, the equipment manufacturer's recommendations and operating procedures should be followed according to the actual situation, and regular maintenance and inspections should be carried out to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and obtain good granularity effects.



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